Week 15 Reading A: Epified Mahabharata

For the reading this week, I decided to take another look at The Mahabharata by watching the Epified videos.  Since most of my stories are based off of parts of this epic, I decided to watch another version, to see if there were more details I wanted to include.

India, flickr

I think my favorite part was The Blind Bride.  This was also one of my favorite parts of the Peter Brook movie.  I just think it shows how strong Princess Gandhari's character is.  When she discovers her husband-to-be is blind, she vows to wear a scarf around her eyes and go without her sight for the rest of time.  I think I will write a story about this for the last one.  It is such a great part of the story and I think it would be fun to write.  I may have difficulty making an Avatar cross over, though.


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