Week 15 Extra Reading: Epified Mahabharata Part 3

Guru, flickr

I continued watch more of the Epified videos of The Mahabharata for the last bit of reading.  These videos are so good for telling these stories and giving little illustrations to help you better visualize this epic tale.  I decided to watch more of these to see if there were anymore details I wanted to add to the stories on my portfolio site.  My favorite part from this section of the videos was Karna Becomes King.  In this video, the stories tells of a competition of sorts to decide who will be king.  Karna steps forth and blows away the competition with his skills.  They say he must be from royal blood to truly compete, but he can only say he was found in a basket in a river.  This reminds me a lot of the Moses in the basket story from the bible, but flipped.  Moses was raised like a prince, but was really from low birth.  I found this part very interesting.


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